5th May 23

An open letter to all Members of Parliament.

Dedicated to all who fought to retain the freedoms of our people and our country in past wars and all who continue to do so today.

Valour is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. — Michel de Montaigne

Setting aside the reasons the two main world wars occurred, in good faith, hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders took up arms in WW1 and WW2 on the understanding they were helping to defend our people and our country. There were 98,950 New Zealanders serving overseas in WW1, of which 80% were volunteers, with 550 nurses among them. 18,058 New Zealanders were killed, and 41,317 died from injuries or illnesses. 501 became prisoners of war.

In WW2, New Zealand had a population of 1,600,000 of which 140,000 New Zealanders served. There were 11,928 killed. The ratio of New Zealanders killed per million of population was the highest in the Commonwealth countries.

New Zealanders and Australians have ANZAC Day as a day of remembrance for those who fought for our freedom, but never returned home, who suffered terrible injuries, and for all whose lives were irrevocably changed as a result.

The cost was enormous. Fatalities, life-long injuries and the loss of at least seven years of their lives, fighting, or nursing the injured, in far-flung corners of the world.

Our courageous men and women went to war to keep our country free from the tyranny of fascism and communism. They fought to retain the sovereignty of our respective countries, (New Zealand and Australia), to retain our freedoms, and to remain independent of oppressive cultures attempting to jack-boot their way through our countries with the intention to turn us into little more than pitiful slaves.

Those who survived had to adjust to very different lives due to life-changing injuries such as; amputated limbs, severe head injuries, blindness, having been burned almost beyond recognition, or with deep internal scar tissue through the inhalation of mustard gas. Some died shortly after their return home due to injury, or as a result of the deprivations suffered from years as prisoners of war. Most returned with the scars of what they had experienced and seen that would shake the strongest amongst us to the very core.
On their return, long after the marches through the main cities of cheering people, the rousing speeches by politicians, and the mayoral receptions, and long after the bands stopped playing, these souls, alone with memories so horrific that they could not bring themselves to talk of them — except with those who had been there as well — had to battle on as best they could, despite terrifying flashbacks — haunted in a way that no soul should ever have to endure. Prisoners of war also suffered terribly, having lived through years of torture and cruelty at the hands of a callous enemy — they also suffered from memories that preyed upon them and from which they rarely felt release.

What they did have though, was the knowledge that they had given their utmost to keep our land and our people free. They knew they had stood in front of those at home and protected them with their lives — the ultimate sacrifice.
Some were there at the first opening of the concentration camps in Germany and Asia and were stunned to see the living skeletons who greeted them in such hell-holes. But our soldiers would have felt secure in the knowledge that most of those who master-minded such death camps were stood on trial and brought to swift justice. With the subsequent creation of the Nuremberg Code that our politicians agreed to and signed — on more than one occasion — they would have also felt that their job was done. And although the cost was incalculable —the price of freedom was worth it.

Perhaps they would have felt further comfort on learning, just after the war, that the United Nations was formed with the intention to ensure such wars could never occur again, for that was the original purpose of the U.N.
But how would they have felt upon learning that the United Nations and the World Health Organisation have become corrupted and that key leaders of countries of the western world — many of whom are graduates of the World Economic Forum (WEF) indoctrination programmes — work closely with the UN and WHO and support the intention to destroy our sovereignty through the creation of a “one-world government”.

What would they have thought of the politicians who were in parliament today marching, in lockstep, to the dictates of this organisation, the WEF, who has made no secret of wanting to hack into the brains of humans and create transhumanist slaves without a soul? Just recently, the WEF leader, Schwab suggested paedophilia be regarded as normal and the UN echoed that depraved, evil suggestion. He also recently suggested that water was not a basic right of the people. And here in NZ the government has announced that they intend to take the water infrastructure from each region and ‘control’ it. This infrastructure is owned by the ratepayers, not the government. They are attempting to take it without our consent, which is theft.

Would those who fought and gave their lives for the freedom of our people and the sovereignty of our country, have demanded to know why you, as government, were not immediately removing our country from the membership of such corrupt groups?

Would they have been shocked by the attack on our bodily autonomy through “government” enforcement of an experimental novel mRNA injection being rolled out on the population, with politicians lying to the people that this experiment was “safe and effective”, yet was also in direct violation of the Bill of Rights Act and the Nuremberg Code?

What would they have thought of many doctors and nurses in hospitals today who deny the horrific side-effects and deaths of the experimental injection, and torture patients by telling them it must be “all in their heads”, and who continue to try to push it onto most Kiwis, including the badly injured?

What would they have thought of a Ministry of Health who apparently “knew” there were only around 100 people — out of five million — who would qualify for an exemption from an experimental injection, without seeing one patient to determine that was the case?

What do you think they would have thought of the decisions made by this government department when a young woman, blinded in one eye from the first injection, was denied an exemption from the second? Or the widow with a young son who suffered cardiac issues from the first jab and was told there was no exemption for the second, and if she did not have it she would lose her job as a social worker? Or the fit young man in his 40s who had to get the jab for his job and suffered heart injuries so severe that he lost his job and his home, and is now living with his young son in rental accommodation, still terribly injured and with ACC refusing to pay compensation? What would they think of young Casey Hodgkinson, and many thousands like her, who has been shockingly injured as a result of the side-effects of the jab and is still denied compensation? There are countless stories like this. All brushed from view by government and a media sponsored by government.

What would they think of those who have lost their loved ones as a result of the violation of the Nuremberg Code and Bill of Rights in our country?

And what would they have thought of a government forbidding approximately 1,000 courageous nurses and doctors to work because they refused the injection and warned others of its side effects — in line with their Hippocratic Oath to, First, Do No Harm? (Yet this “government” permits those injected and suffering from “covid” to work.)

What would they think of the cancelling of free speech, censorship of our people, and the vicious police attack on New Zealanders peacefully protesting on the lawn before Parliament Buildings in 2022, because they were dismissed from their jobs for refusing to take an experimental jab with nine pages of side effects that had not been properly tested and which politicians had guaranteed the manufacturers no liability for side effects? Would they have accepted that the countless pleas of the people to you, their representatives, for their basic human rights to be upheld, were ignored?

Wouldn’t those who marched off to war to risk their lives for our freedom and the sovereignty of our country have been appalled at the complete disregard New Zealand’s politicians — and those of almost all of the Western World — now show for the Nuremberg Code and the Bill of Rights?

You bet they would have.

Would they have been horrified and furious that their ultimate sacrifice all those years ago has been betrayed by every member of parliament who are meant to be there to serve the people? That is you — members of parliament — among others in key positions, who know, but have chosen to remain silent — or worse.

If those for whom we commemorate ANZAC Day looked for just one politician in the New Zealand government who had said no, would they have found one? (The Australians at least have a few courageous members of parliament standing up and speaking out on these violations on our Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code.)

(Camp Freedom — Kiwi farmers, who remember for what our ancestors fought …)
There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes. — Leo Tolstoy

On seeing the squandering of our freedoms in 2023 that they fought so hard to retain, their outrage would have surely echoed throughout the land.

It would be enough to wake the dead.

In recent years, it has become almost a rite of passage for politicians, and our people, to travel to ANZAC Cove in Gallipoli to attend a dawn service. It has become a ‘place’ to make a pilgrimage to, in respect for the huge number of casualties where Kiwis and Aussies were used as cannon-fodder by an English command. Yet there were many other areas of bloody conflict over both world wars, including North Africa, Italy, Greece, France, other areas of Europe, and the Battle of Britain, where it was a miracle to survive each Op.

But perhaps a better, more fitting memorial to those lost in these terrible conflicts would be for all New Zealanders and Australians to stand for our freedoms today, rather than leave it to rest on the shoulders of just a few. To stand up and speak out and peacefully say, No, we do not consent.

The qualities of the indomitable human spirit will
always win over tyranny and oppression — no matter
how great the odds. — MH

Citizens in Europe are standing for their freedoms. For weeks the French have been in the streets protesting without pause. The Dutch have been doing the same. Those countries know what it is like to be invaded by an enemy. And they’re not having it. Millions are protesting. But not a word of this appears in the paid-off media here.

Back in New Zealand, dawn services are still held throughout our countries on ANZAC Day, where the Last Post with its hauntingly familiar sound echoes throughout the land. Politicians are often in attendance, laying wreaths, making speeches and, on occasion, proudly telling stories of their ancestors who fought for our freedom.

Would those gallant, brave, gutsy New Zealanders who fought and who paid the ultimate sacrifice want you there — your ancestors included? When you did not stand up and say no? When you cowered in that ghastly taxpayer-funded Beehive and watched our people peacefully protesting, but refused to go and listen to them, as it is your duty to do, and instead, played loud music at varying times of the night and turned water sprinklers upon them, then watched while good New Zealanders, advocating for their human rights, were viciously attacked by police on your orders, or through your inaction? When you said nothing? And each of you continued to stand by — silent — while the living souls of this country were mandated to get an experimental injection that caused harm — and while you were absolved of the requirement to have it?

The living souls of this land have written countless open letters and pleaded with you to safeguard their freedoms, yet it all seems to have fallen on deaf ears, with mainstream media just as guilty.

Those freedoms that our ancestors fought hard for on our behalf — and won. That is what is at stake.

There have been innumerable opportunities for you to bravely speak out, to stand for our Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code, but you have not. You have remained silent. A “government” subservient to evil off-shore cabals, working in concert with a toothless lily-livered opposition — in name only — who don’t call those in government out on it because they serve the same masters.

Well, I am calling you all out on it. And ANZAC Day couldn’t be a more appropriate day to do so. In the name of all who fought for our freedom yesterday, in the name of all who have called you out on it over the past three years, and in the name of our descendants of tomorrow. We, the people, are peacefully saying we do not consent to you giving away our Bill of Rights, our Unalienable Freedoms, and the Sovereignty of our country — New Zealand. If you cannot stand for those key principles with us, then you must peacefully stand down.

Are you haunted by this acquiescence to tyranny? At what cost have you sold your soul — or let it lie dormant? There is no price that could ever meet the cost of one’s soul — for if you lose your soul you have lost everything. No pay-packet, no illusion of power — nothing — will ever compensate for the loss of one’s soul. Not ever. Speak out before it is too late. Be true to the spiritual essence of who you really are.

Unless you stand up and speak out for our freedom and the sovereignty of our country — and the time is late for this now — almost too late — it would be better if you don’t attend the Dawn Service this year — but if you do, and if you lay a wreath at the cenotaph of the fallen and if you have still not spoken out — then, in the opinion of many Kiwis, — and it is sad to say this — the fallen would probably prefer you did not attend. And, if you do go, and you bow your head on ANZAC Day, bow it in shame, until you are able to stand up and speak out for our human rights, the sovereignty of our country, and for the freedoms of all living souls of New Zealand.

For that is the best acknowledgement for our Brave — the very best of all.
“They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old,

Published by Kiwis Protecting Our Freedom of Expression

I am a Farmer, Wife & Mother Protecting Our Rights for Freedom of Expression. I have travelled the World Extensively ... UK, Wales, Europe, Iceland, Africa, & Australia 84 - 88 My home City is Tauranga & I now reside on our Farm on the Shores of the North Kaipara Harbour along with my husband of 25 years . I was a Founding Pupil @ Matua Primary School (65) & attended Otumoetai Intermediate plus Otumoetai College I completed a Small Business Course My interests include : Family, Politics , Cooking, Gardening & The Great Outdoors I feel strongly our Rights are being Gradually taken away by a Government we no longer trust in New Zealand. My concerns are Forced Vaccination Dual Proposed Government 3 Waters, S.N.A & Hepuapua Policies * Lack of Roading Infrustructure My aim is to keep freedom of Speech in our Country Alive Plus I would like my family to live in NZ the way we knew it Growing Up Sue Reyland (Admin/Founder) Kiwis Protecting Our Freedom of Expression Website FB :

2 thoughts on “ANZAC DAY – LEST WE FORGET

  1. They do NOT care! However, for us, there are two consolations: 1; their families/children etc. will suffer just as our, and 2. they will each face God on judgement day (And God is not limited to a Nuremberg Code).


    1. You are correct Richard … As at January 18 2023 when I had need to access the figures for the number of adverse reactions to the vaccine off the MOH/Medsafe website for an affidavit, it stood at 68,500. The true number of those who died from the shots will take a a long time to be revealed because it’s all being covered up. That’s missing information. I call it corruption.


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